Term Dates, Sessions & Fees
Tytherington Preschool is a term-time only preschool. This means we open 38 weeks each year in line with term dates set for schools by the Local Authority (minus one week, as is usual for Early Years settings).
During term time, we are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 9.00am - 3.00pm. You can choose for your child to attend a morning session only (9.00am - 12.00pm), a morning session with lunch hour (9.00am - 1.00pm) or a full day (9.00am - 3.00pm)
For Health and Safety reasons the door will not be unlocked until 9am. If you arrive early, please wait at the gate or in the car.
Term dates 2023-2024
Please note, INSET days Monday 4th September 2023, Monday 2nd January 24 ,Friday 24th May 2024 and Friday 12th July 2024
Provisional Term dates 2024-2025
Please take note of the INSET days
Our main fees are charged at an hourly rate of £5 for 3 & 4 year olds and £6 for 2 year olds.
You will be billed before the beginning of each term for the coming term. If you wish to pay weekly this can be arranged through the Pre-School Manager and the Treasurer. Fees are payable even if your child is on holiday or away for other reasons such as illness, or if the Pre-School is forced to close for any reason. Please see the Fees Policy for more details.
One term’s notice must be given before the removal of a child, or a term’s fees paid in lieu. (A term’s notice means that notice must be given before the first day of any term).
Consumables fee *
We charge a small daily 'consumables fee' for each child attending the setting*. This will be itemised on your termly invoice.
*Concessions may be made for children in receipt of a 2 year old grant.
Nursery Education Grant Funding
Some 2 year olds and all 3-4 year olds are eligible for at least 15 hours of free childcare provision per week as part of a government-funded Nursery Education Grant (NEG). The NEG increases to 30 hours for working families the term after your child turns 3. We accept NEG funding.
We also accept childcare vouchers that you might receive from your employer.
You may use a combination of payment methods to cover the costs of your child's pre-school sessions and your NEG hours may be split across more than one setting.