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Keep in touch

We really look forward to hearing about what you have been up to when not in preschool. We know that as parents you like to know what the children are up to when at preschool too. For that reason we use Tapestry, the online learning journal, to keep you up to date with what's going on. 

Tapestry, record keeping and reporting to parents

Children’s learning and development is recorded in the form of an online learning journey using the guidelines of the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Staff will complete regular observations of the children and this will be shared with the parents via Tapestry. Tapestry has an app and a website, how you choose to view the information is up to you. The app can send you notifications when an observation has been uploaded. You can then "like" or "comment" on the observation. Some observations are individual to your child, and others may include peers. 


As a parent you can also add your own observation. The staff enjoy looking at what you have been up to. Perhaps you went for a countryside or beach walk, or a trip to the supermarket. Observations in your child can be found anywhere.   


Regular summaries will be made of your child’s learning and these will be passed to your child’s Reception teacher (with your permission) to assist them with their EYFS Profiles and to give them an insight into the child’s development.

Pre-School staff aim to maintain good relationships with parents/carers and are always willing to discuss any aspect of a child’s progress and well-being at Pre-School.

Parent Support

We encourage and welcome any parent to come into Pre-School at anytime to play with their child.  This will enable you to participate in the Pre-School session and children look forward to you being there. Above all, we hope that you will enjoy any time you can spend in Pre-School with your children. On days where we would like to undertake an activity such as a trip to the woods, we will ask for parent / carer volunteers to help with this.

We love to find out what your child is doing at home and we can help celebrate this.



There is a regular newsletter sent to parents and carers giving information about the pre-school.  This is emailed to parents, however, if you wish to receive a printed copy, this can be arranged through the Pre-School Manager.

The newsletters include information on what is coming up and key dates for your diaries. 


All verbal information and written documents concerning the children shall remain confidential between their parents/carers and the staff.

All written records shall be kept in a locked cabinet with access allowed only to Permanent Staff.  Individual children’s records are available for parents to see on request.

Any concerns regarding the children, will be discussed between the staff and the child’s parent/carer only with an outside agency should it be deemed necessary, once parental consent has been obtained.


All committee members sign a Confidentiality Statement and whilst parents/carers are engaged in a duty they must respect our confidentiality rules and not discuss anything they may have heard or seen with any other persons.  Your child’s registration form includes a section for you to sign agreeing to abide by the rules of the Confidentiality Policy.

Settling in

At Tytherington Pre-School we are very flexible as to how you child settles in and how many hours/sessions you would like them to attend initially.  You know your child and how they cope with new surroundings and separation from you.

© 2023 by Tytherington Pre-School

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